Philosophy, Religion and Ethics

Humanities is committed to ensuring that students of all backgrounds are equipped to become

global citizens who are keenly aware of their place in history, the world and culture.

Students will be taught to think critically and use literacy and oracy to effectively articulate their understanding of religion, culture, history and geography. With these tools students will have a far greater chance of contributing positively to society and the world.

PRE at KS3

Students passing through our academy need to acquire a multiplicity of skills, facts and sensitivities, both mechanical, emotional and philosophical. Among the many learning disciplines to which they must be exposed, the contribution of Religious Education is of incalculable significance as it puts into context all those other areas of learning, and enables the next generation to take its place in confident and mature fashion in an increasingly complex society. Students will engage in a deep study of all 6 world religions which sets a foundation for moving on to learn about the Ethical and philosophical questions that arise from these beliefs.

PRE at KS4



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